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The Rogue Lawyer

Soro Sókè Werey! Reactions trail Parosident Sai Baba’s statement

Soro Sókè Werey! Reactions trail Parosident Sai Baba’s statement

After the despicable events of yesterday wherein democracy was held hostage in the United States, and the swift and strongly worded Parosidential condemnation by the Sai Baba regime, naysayers of the regime have come out to demand of it: “Who ordered the Lekki Tollgate Massacre?”

In what is fast becoming a trending conversation on Twitter, users of the app such as one @Suganmu have reacted as follows:

“Sai Baba is quick to address the press and issue statements on events occurring thousands of miles away, but to address the one in his Iginmu, Sai Baba has turned ghost worker. Since he has time to be issuing statement for America, let him tell us who ordered the Lekki toll gate massacre!??

#SoroSoke Werey!”

Known regime apologist Ámuda Garbage in the replies to @Suganmu’s tweet asked that Nigerians “forgive and forget”.

Garbage tweeted that “the Lekki Massacre; the occurrence of which is still in doubt is in the past and the past is now behind us. If it did happen, Nigerians should forgive, forget and move on with their lives. Afterall, Odi and Zaki Biam happened and no one raised eyebrows.”

Garbage in a follow-up tweet also charged the outgoing American President, Donald Trump, not to “allow the devil use him to Orubebelize their great democracy, but to tow the path of Jónà and concede power to the acclaimed winner of the elections and incoming President; Joe Biden.”

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