Sister Priye
When they come in their numbers
to offer condolences over the death of your child, you must simply tell them that it is the will of God.
… where sa-tyres never go flat
… where sa-tyres never go flat
When they come in their numbers
to offer condolences over the death of your child, you must simply tell them that it is the will of God.
Collins Dictionary, for instance, defines a road as “a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other”. That’s correct you know—but only as long as you don’t import that understanding to Nigeria. Things are much different here… So different we’d need the entire dictionary rewritten to suit our realities. Here, a road would be more appropriately defined as “a warzone where potholes are mines, shock absorbers are shields, curses are bullets—and from which every soldier returns home a casualty”.