By: Ogedengbe Tolulope Impact
The lord’s bishop of our cathedral
Is a disguised devil of the cross
Who carves brilliant gems of deceit
On the hearts of unwary congregants
Who seek salvation from the gate of hell.
He is a pious winebibber
Who speaks in diverse kinds of tongues
And yet claims the spirit is always at work
Every time he drinks from a flagon of wine
And get intoxicated with a hard cider.
He is a salacious baptizer
Who baptizes ladies with libidinal secretion,
An acclaimed custodian of the heavenly mysteries
Who slides through the crevice betwixt virgin’s legs
In search of the creator’s secrets in their esclitorides.
He is a deceitful gospeler
Who preaches about the doom of Sodom
Yet commits whoredom with rotten testes,
And desecrates the sacredness of our altar
With strange incense and blind sacrifices.
The lord’s bishop of our cathedral
Is a flesh-driven, pragmatic evangelist
Who parades himself as God’s own oracle
But refuses to adhere to divine ordinances
That open worshippers to spiritual realities.

Ogedengbe Tolulope Impact is a Nigerian poet. He is a chemical engineering graduate from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. His poem “Tell them” was a shortlisted poem at the 7th Korea-Nigeria poetry feast, 2017. His works have been published in Duane Poetree, pangolin review, Words Rhymes & Rhythms, Literary planet, Wax poetry and art magazine, Parousia Magazine, Sub-Saharan magazine and various anthologies including the Brigitte Poirson poetry contest, 2018 (Citadels of words). He is currently a postgraduate student at the department of petroleum engineering, university of Ibadan, Oyo State.