
… where sa-tyres never go flat

Prize for Satire

A Psalm of Covid

A Psalm of Covid

By: Olugbuyiro Success

Chapter 19

From the African nations

1. Why do the people fear and imagine a vain thing?

Why have the Chinese set themselves to cause chaos upon the earth?

2. They have taken it upon themselves to build a thousand wards hospitals in seven days.

3. Yea, they trust in their modern technology and in their expertise.

But we cannot be coronised

4. Even though we walk through the city of Wuhan, we will fear no Virus.

5. For our gene is strong, our creator provides a resistance to all diseases and protects us.

6. Only with our ears would we hear their breakdown and breakthrough stories.

Chapter 20

The Murmurings

1. We have been locked down and great fear is come upon us

The fear of what-has-been-named but has no cure.

2. Though we seek refuge in our places of worship, they all have been shut up.

3. Our daily bread lies soggy in a stagnant pool. How shall we survive the days ahead?

4. We hear of Corona virus as World war III, 5G network, weapon of mass depopulation.

5.They claim those news to be rumours but we have no room for more of their lies.

6. Suddenly, the humble tissue paper became a sought-after.

Nose mask joined the accessories of fashion wear

7. Nevertheless we will not neglect our herbal ways, the gods of our lands.

8. We hope they answer us when we call.

A Covid-19 Patient’s Prayer While in Isolation Center

Here I am, Lord have mercy on me!

I know I am a sinner but God you are loving and merciful

Forgive me for all your goodness and wellness which I took for granted

Forgive my ignorance and despise towards Corona Virus

I keep grasping for air as it taunts me by fleeing per time

My body’s thermostat has become dysfunctional such that I shiver when hot,

I could barely miss my meals but here am I  for some days without food.

I am so shy to make sounds and melodies with my voice but now sneezing and coughing are the melodies I helplessly make.

May it not be heard that me, your child died at the mercy of Covid.

Restore my health unto me and I will go warning all men that ‘Covid-19 is real’

No longer will I take time, warm handshakes and hugs for granted.

After the death of three senior colleagues and two junior colleagues A Doctor’s Prayer

1. Oh! that the mighty are falling, see how the strong are rendered weak.

2. How could it be told? How would it be heard? They lose also their lives in saving others.

3. We behold unsafe days as a face mask and wear uncertain nights as an overall while we advise others to stay safe.

4. Of a true, a boom in my place of work would be good but a pandemic- that would be ghastly.

5. I go hungry while traveling many ward rounds , I bother about my patients with my immunity at stake.

6. Many a doctor have ended up as patients while still many have infected their families.

7. The Hippocrates oath binds us to a cross that is painful to bear; Our government whip us with unworthy paymentsand the cure has not been found.

8. I’m still young in my career with a promising future; let this cup pass over me.

9. Many are they that fall, let not my portion be found among them.

Chapter 21

A Final-Year Student’s Prayer

1. Oh Lord, in you have I not always put my trust. But still, let me never be put to shame.

2. For how long Lord will I keep experiencing delay? For how long will my youthful years be spent schooling?

3. My friends even my foes have graduated before me; My mates are already married.

4. They that did not further their education laugh at me Aha! Aha! As they are already prospering in their businesses.

5. The knowledge I have gathered in the past four years, have not been able to impede the virus from spreading.

6. Remember oh Lord! The rigour of writing JAMB three times, the struggle to have my fees paid, and the intermittent ASUU strikes.

7. Let me not have an extra year; and send your angel to carry away any carry over that might surface.

8. Let me receive a miracle bank alert and a wonder job offer that I did or did not apply.

9. Network me into a net full of big fishes so all that laugh at me, will now laugh with me.

10. I will testify of your good works and how faithful you are over me even though I am not.

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