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Why public universities are the best places to study in Nigeria

Why public universities are the best places to study in Nigeria

by: Sulayman Pakoyi

Nigeria has 170 universities, of which 91 are owned and bankrolled by the federal or state governments. These universities are the only hope for middle-income Nigerians to gain higher education. Aside from the unbearable private universities tuition fee, public universities are more conducive for Nigerian students; they are well equipped, adequately funded and lecturers are paid handsomely to serve the teeming population seeking a better future through education. Here are reasons why public universities are the best in Nigeria:

Conducive Learning Environment

If there is a place more conducive for students to learn it is public universities in Nigeria. The state of the art lecture rooms makes public universities stand out. It is 21 century; no institution allows students to sit on the bare floor or beep through the window to receive lectures. There are adequate lecture rooms, chairs and tables for students to receive classes.

Also, lecturers and facilitators are ready to impact knowledge and ideas using relevant materials that solve current world issues.

Friendly Lecturers

The primary role of lecturers is to impact knowledge in future generations. The cordial relationship between students and lecturers in public universities is exceptional.

Hostile lecturers are not welcome in our universities. Come on, a lecturer or professor that tells a female, “you will fail my course if you don’t grant my request” doesn’t deserve to be at any citadel of learning. I know “sex for grades” crossed your mind. Well, that was an attempt to taunt the image of public university lecturers. Thank God it failed.

Endless Holidays

Every year, public universities and the Federal Government of Nigeria have a get together to settle their differences and renew their commitment to building a sustainable educational system. Actually, it is nothing to worry about. It has been a long time tradition students fear missing out. As a fresher, you would love to have this kind of holiday in your first year on campus. In a functioning society like Nigeria where you need to find a side hustle in case “four years in LASU is really nothing.”

Politics and Spirit of Activism

As a future politician, public university is the right choice. On campus, you are offered crash courses on politics, how to win an election, intermediate your opponent, voting buying with soft drinks and snacks etc.

Of course, public varsity is the reflection of the Nigerian state, socially and politically. The spirit of aluta continua, victoria acerta and of the greatest gba gba, gbos gbos are an integral part of public universities. Activists on campus preach justice, fairness and holding elected officials accountable but don’t be surprised when student union leaders are accused of embezzling millions of naira from the student union coffers. That is how politics works in Nigeria. In the nearest future, if you plan to contest for any political posts in Nigeria, start your activism on campus. It will prepare you for the unexpected you will face in your career.

I hope I have been able to convince you, not to confuse you that public university is the best place to study in Nigeria. Dear jambite, you wouldn’t want to miss these fantastic offers that await you. Opportunities in public varsity are endless, study hard and enjoy this lifetime experience.

Sulyman is a writer and a student of Mass Communication. He is interested in politics, governance and lifestyle. Twitter handle @bolaranking2

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PVV Satyanarayana
PVV Satyanarayana
2 years ago

A good piece of satire!

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