
… where sa-tyres never go flat

From Our Allies

Nigeria’s just 61. Cut her some slack.

Nigeria’s just 61. Cut her some slack.

By: Maryam Olajide

In life, things begin to make sense when you put it in perspective. As a child, you must have heard and read a lot of stories about Nigeria, stories from third parties, stories from biased people, cooked up stories from the pit of hell. So here’s Nigeria, giving you a chance to hear about her, from her.

At first she chose silence. However, she changed her mind upon deep reflection of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s words:

“When you are a public figure, people will write and say false things about you. Many of those things you brush aside. Many you ignore. The people close to you advise you that silence is best. And it often is. Sometimes, though, silence makes a lie begin to take on the shimmer of truth.”

So here’s  Nigeria,  finally deciding to let you in.

Nigeria was a young girl, who was unconventionally forced into a  union. A union done solely for the commercial benefit of her masters. Why then will you place the burden of the success of such a union on her?

She’s lived all her life trying to prove her worth, make things work, to become a reckonable force despite her background.

When people talk about their disappointment about her, with deeply rooted disgust, about the things that could have been, you’ll think she’s been in existence for longer than usual. I mean, she’s just 61? What’s life without mistakes?

In fact, Mary Tyler Moore once said, “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow.” A lot of people want to reap the benefit of growth, but they are not ready to put in the work. Growth requires sacrifices — and this includes sacrificing your rights, freedoms, and entitlements.

How sad it is to realize that Nigerians, the sole reason of Nigeria’s existence, do not rate her. From planning an insurrection against their God-ordained leaders to publicly disgracing her reputation on a social media app; their unruliness is endless.

Have you seen them speak or write about Nigeria? They make it seem like it’s the capital of the world’s problem. For an acclaimed spiritually-oriented people, one would expect them to know better.

There is power in words and how they’re written. They should, therefore, know that stories about insecurity, bloodshed, terrorism, unemployment, banditry, corruption, police brutality, kidnapping, and poverty should be told using antonyms. This way, a clear image of the Giant of Africa is portrayed. But, they never learn, and that’s why they keep jumping from one problem to another.

On a final note, remember: No matter where you japa to, you’re still a descendant of Nigeria, and her blood runs through your veins. 💀

Happy In Dependence!

Maryam Olajide is a writer whose hate for injustice propelled her into writing satires. Well, that’s cliché, but are stories about injustice not? She tweets @maryam_olajide and can be followed on Instagram @__maryamm.o

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