By: Ayodimeji Ameenat
Like bras, husbands who rape their wives only have a goal; to show their women love and give them the greatest pleasure. Every pain it causes is irrelevant extra and that can be overlooked.
Besides, a woman who abandons her bra because it makes her uncomfortable is weak but maybe it’s just that she has other bras in her closet. She would most probably cheat on her husband and leave him in the marriage because he’s dogged about performing his primary duty— the duty of making love to his wife. Abi, should it even matter if she wants it or not? Isn’t a duty a duty? Acting like she doesn’t want it doesn’t displace it as the best and most affectionate way men show love, and you all love it. defines ‘strong’ as being able to live with pain, hurt, discomfort and losing the ability to move on. My girlfriend should be strong. You can’t let your homegirl throw away that peng bra on an it-makes-me-feel-slightly-uncomfortable-on-the-inside kinda excuse. For Pete’s sake, she looks perfect on the outside and isn’t that good enough to keep it on?
A bruise down there isn’t painful; it’s pleasure on a Kama Sutra level. A husband giving such to his wife should be branded the best in bedmatics. Moreover, his intentions are good and she’s his lawfully wedded wife— not the hoe from the broth’ at 3rd street.
When you buy that beautifully expensive lace bra that’s often outta stock at the mall, you lose your right to complain that it makes your claustrophobic boobs feel caged.
Such cage is after all beautifully patterned and classy expensive. Abi what better purpose should it serve when you’re married to the fine, handsome, rich, every girl’s dream kinda guy? He is a complete gentleman out there and you know it. You see how he treats the ladies at the supermarket and how he helped the old lady at the airport. You don’t expect him to be all gentle to you too, he is a man; isn’t it enough that he shows it out there?
He has urges and you gotta let him satisfy them. You should be grateful that Sadé at Zone 4 doesn’t tickle his fancy even with your stretched marked belly of four pregnancies.
The bras that cause aches are the best. You get to think of them the whole day. They’d linger in your mind and remind you that nothing beautiful came easy. Forget that wearing a bra makes you all sweaty, it still gives you the lift you need. Your husband too lifts you up. He assists your career, buys you flowers, and take you on abroad vacation. The only thing is when he’s horny, he’s a monster, but still treats you well every other time. That’s a good signal. It means he still loves you as much as he used to. At least, says 80% of ladies don’t know the way to a flower shop and only 10% of ladies can survive without their husband’s support, and you know you ain’t part of the 10%.
Marital rape is consent rape. You signed up for it at the marriage registry. You even got a certificate. You should be happy and frame it up for display, so the single girls out there would know you ain’t their mate. I’m sure you wouldn’t want the certificate withdrawn, it’ll speak bad of you. You’ve consented, let him through even if you don’t feel it, moan to it and savour your breath in it. Your will won’t stop you from enjoying it even though it burns a little. Be the strong woman and own it. You’re a wonderful wife. Be proud.
Write an article and title it ‘The nitty-gritty of a lasting marriage’. Brag about it. Brag about how you got crowned a queen and how the dark lids of your eyes were from the silent battles in bed, of rods and sacks and the drizzle in between. Tag your conquest ‘girl power’ because it fits.

Ayodimeji Ameenat is a second-year law student, with a keen interest in writings (creative writing especially) and journalism. She enjoys spoken words and loves reading books. Her favourite food is plantain.
Sister, I’m a 300 level law student from UI
But… I’m sorry to tell you that this article is not intelligent enough. Instead of expending your writing energy on more important social issues like rape perpetuated by religious figures on their followers, you choose to tamper with the sanctity of the marriage institution. All the best.
This is amazing girl! ❤
Beautifully well written. I really liked that I could almost taste the humour of this.
The comparison with the discomfort of a bra was also spot on. Well done!
Well I don’t know if this is a sarcastic writing. If it is then you did well. If it’s not I don’t agree with it. Either way nice write up.
I’m just going to ask you a question, what happens if a wife wants sex and the husband does not? According to you the wife is answerable to her husband so she must be willing to ‘do’ Everytime he calls. What do you have to say to a wife that wants sex and her man does not?!
This is excellent!!!
This is a really good satirical piece. The sarcasm was top notch and I liked the way it ridicules all sorts of justification of marital rape. Marital rape should never be justified, encouraged or endured. 💯
This is a really good satirical piece. The sarcasm was top notch and I liked the way it ridicules all sorts of justification of marital rape. Marital rape should never be justified, encouraged or endured. 💯
I feel marital rape isn’t right no matter what.A rape is still a rape.Dont try to cover a rape up cos d rapist is Ur husband.D wife never consented to it.D hurt would still linger and U can never compare a bra to a rape.Its wrong!!!!!Just an opinion.I just hope dis post is sarcastic